Call for paper

This colloquium, to be held at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (France), a university that has worked on a dozen national and international projects on this subject over the last 20 years, aims to question the treatment of multilingualism in teaching and learning from the point of view of ethics and integrity, both theoretical and practical, considering the complexities of reality (context, variable scales from nano to micro).


7 areas of study are proposed:

In addition to multilingual plenary lectures by internationally renowned researchers, the conference will offer multilingual workshop presentations, symposia, poster sessions, interdisciplinary and multi-category round tables, including national and international institutions, to reflect the complex dimensions and the integrity goal sought.


Axis 1. Epistemology / Theories / History of language / Pedagogy regarding the disciplines

It seems essential and fundamental to propose an epistemological reflection in order to understand the current state of pedagogy in the context of our complex reality and to advocate an Integrity-based approach. A look at the history of one or more disciplines (Prasad, Auger, Le Pichon-Vorstman 2022), allows a better understanding of certain present-day realities. Interventions in this area can be part of language or subject pedagogy.


Axis 2. Bi-plurilingualism, development and learning

Bi-plurilingualism from an acquisitional and/or functional point of view constitutes an essential parameter for the problematic of this conference. In a natural situation (psycholinguistic development) or in an institutional situation (teaching-learning), the aim of the proposals for papers will be to propose studies in this area in order to shed light on the general reflection.


Axis 3. What are the links with related disciplines?

The evolution of pedagogy is closely linked to that of other fields, conducive to its different and renewed approaches.  From the psychology of learning to neuroscience it is clear that related fields are involved in the evolution of reflection, validating certain older hypotheses, such as the transfer of skills from one language to another (Cummins 1979). The planned work will focus on the links and relationships between disciplines, which are the basis of complex approaches, and on the possible implications for language teaching. The integrity dimension of this strand lies in the full recognition of the mutual contributions of the disciplines to each other.  


Axis 4. Methodologies and practices of the disciplines in the multilingual classroom

Multilingualism is often considered in the context of the teaching of the language of instruction. Papers may therefore refer to these well-identified works. But they may also consider the multilingual issue in the teaching and learning of various disciplines (scientific, linguistic, literary, artistic, etc.). The papers will deal with research methodologies and practices in the various disciplines in a multilingual situation.


Axis 5. Digital technology and language teaching and learning

The use of digital technology as a component of teaching and learning is no longer fundamentally innovative. The hybridisation of training, the use of digital tools in the classroom or the development and evolution of training via digital learning platforms logically offers food for thought on the actual contributions of training and on the developments that lie ahead in the near future for the teaching/learning of multilingual pupils/students, considering the complexity of contexts while seeking the integrity of approaches.


Axis 6. Training of trainers

Whether it concerns language training or subject pedagogy, what initial and/or in-service training should be offered to teachers to consider the complexity of situations, while seeking equity of access.


Axis 7. Policy dimensions

Addressing the issue of/pupils' multilingualism varies in time and space between national and international policies. In this complex spatio-temporal framework, it is hoped that work with a synchronic and diachronic perspective will shed light on the role of policy in this issue.




This colloquium is aimed at all researchers and actors in the field of teaching and learning (policy-makers, school directors, social workers) who wish to place the issue of multilingualism at the heart of research, professionalization and political action and to participate in a joint reflection on the art of combining conceptualisations and professional experiences.




Auger, N. (2020), “Examining the Nature and Potential of Plurilingual Language Education: Toward a Seven-step Plurilingual Language Education Framework” in Plurilingual Handbook in Language Education, edited by Drs. Enrica Piccardo (OISE/University of Toronto), Aline Germain-Rutherford (University of Ottawa) and Geoff Lawrence (York University), New York and London, Routledge, pp. 465-483.

Auger N. et Le Pichon-Vorstman E. (2021), Défis et richesses des classes multilingues. Construire des ponts entre les cultures. Préface J. Cummins. Coll. Philippe Mérieu, Paris : ESF éditions.

Bargadaà, M., Peixoto, P., (2021), L’urgence de l’intégrité académique, coll. “questions de société”, EMS.

Bourgoing, J. (1583). De origine vsv et ratione vvlgarivm vocvm linguae Gallicae, Italicae, & Hispanicae, libri primi siue A, Centuria vna. Paris : Steph. Preuosteau.

Cenoz, J., Gurter, D. (2021), Pedagogical Translanguaging, Cambridge University Press.

Cuq, J.-P. (2003), Dictionnaire de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde, Paris, CLE International.

Cummins, J., (1979). Linguistic interdependence and the educational development of bilingual children. Review of Educational Research ; 49 :222–251.

Cummins, J., (2021). Rethinking the Education of Multilingual Learners: A Critical Analysis of Theoretical Concepts (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights), Multilingual Matters. 

Gajo, L. 2009. « De la DNL à la DdNL : principes de classe et formation des enseignants ». Les Langues modernes, vol. III : 15-23.

Galisson R., Coste D. (1976), Dictionnaire de didactique des langues, Paris, Hachette.

Galligani, S., Vlad M. (2020), Didactique du plurilinguisme et formation des enseignants. Français dans le Monde, Clé international.  

García, O. and Li Wei. 2014. Translanguaging: Language, Bilingualism and Education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gogolin I., 2021, “Multilingualism: A threat to public education or a resource in public education? – European histories and realities”. European Educational Research Journal, vol. 20, 3: pp. 297-310.

Moore, D. & Gajo, L. (éds.) (2009). Plurilingualism and Pluriculturalism. Francophone perspectives in Education. Special Issue. International Journal of Multilingualism, 6(2).

Morin, E. (1982), Science avec conscience, Paris : Points Seuil.

Morin, E. (1999), Les sept savoirs nécessaires à l’éducation du futur, Paris, Seuil.

Oger E., Maravelaki, A., Hayez C.  (2022), Langues de l’école et langues des familles. De la langue de scolarisation au plurilinguisme sociétal, Le Langage et l’Homme, Paris : L’Harmattan.

Piccardo, E., Germain-Rutherford, A., Lawrence G. (2021), The Routledge Handbook of Plurilingual Language Education, Routledge.

Prasad, G., Auger N., Le Pichon-Vorstman E. (2022). Multilingualism and Education: Researchers' Pathways and Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.

Van Avermaet, P., SlembrouckVan Gorp K., Sierens S. and Maryns K., (2018), The multilingual edge of education, Springer. 

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